Creating a logomark
- [Rik] So I've just heard from Aria and she's approved our type and it's going into the completed box and again, we could add more to this a little bit later if you wanted to, but for now what we're gonna do is, we're gonna start work on the logo design. Now, how do we think about logo design? Now there's actually for some logos, two parts to a logo. So there's actually, you know, you can see here, this is under consideration, it's brand new, it's a blog all about type.
You can see on some of these, there's two parts to this. There's a logo mark and a logo type, a logo mark, a logo type. For some, there's just one, for instance on the Facebook one, there's just a logo type and there has this kinda gradient to it, but things like GoDaddy here, Warner Brothers, most logos have two parts to it, some have just one, but we're gonna work on both. So the first thing that we're gonna work on is actually the logo mark, they're kinda like the R in Revolut or the kind of logo here.
Now if you want some of this inspiration, places like Brand New are a good place to see new logo type. There are experts in this such as Koto who did this super high branding. So, have a look at how the experts are doing this as well. There's not a kind of easy way to do this. And we go further into this on the visual designer branding course. Now for me, I first of all do things in sketches and kind of like plan out a few things, draw things on paper and see what works.
So, what I've been doing in here is, I've actually added to our mood board a kind of sketch of what I've been thinking about. So here, try to keep it very shape-based, kind of similar to the ones over here. So we're using this kind of triangle system and circles in here. And also, I try to be a little bit clever as part of this as well. So, notice that Aria Oslo, AO, I try to use the shapes for A and O.
It's kind of trying to be a bit too clever for my own good. But what we're trying to do here is make some sense of having a logo. You don't need to have it based on the name, it could be some shapes, it could be based on your mood board in general. But, this is kind of like how I've been thinking about this. So I've sent this to Aria, and said which one of these do you like, is there anything in a certain direction? And she's actually gone for this bottom-left corner one.
So we're gonna make this in our brand. So if I go to my brand page, I'm just gonna make a new area in here. So, I'm just gonna focus on the logo mark for now. I'm just gonna make this space up here, maybe 600 by 400, doesn't really matter too much. I'm just gonna give this frame name logo mark. So what we're gonna do is basically recreate this bottom area here. We're just gonna do this very quickly using some of the shapes.
So the shape tools here, if we click here, we can actually see what's available. There's rectangles, lines, ellipses, circles, and polygons. So the main two that we're gonna be using that are ellipses and polygons but Ross will be using rectangles. Now, the first thing that we're gonna do is we're not gonna focus on color. We're gonna make this black and white only so kind of gray scales in here as well. So the first one I'm gonna use is polygon and this is gonna be using the A in Aria.
So I'm just gonna make something that looks kind of like that. For now again, we can kind of tweak this a little bit later and we also need a circle as well so an ellipse I'm gonna add in as well. So I'm gonna try and make these around about the same height. If I zoom in, it makes it a little bit easier. So watch out for the width of this as well. So make sure that they are the same width. I've actually got some of the keys like shift and command actually help here.
So shift kind of keeps it the same size, command as well kind of does that. So I'm gonna make sure this is the same height. A 150, 150 and I just make sure. What I can do here is add some guides as well so if I click on this art board, what I can do if I go to view and if scroll down to rulers so I can add some rulers in here. So basically drag into here. So make sure that that sits on the same line. Maybe I just kind of wanna move that up, I can actually take that and put it there.
Maybe I wanna kind of align this top area as well. So I'm gonna take this here, it's way too big so I'm gonna make this a little bit smaller. So I've got this A and this O in place. Now obviously I can then hide the rulers a little bit later and then say I don't actually need to see them but on my final design, what I actually have is this kind of shape that comes out. Now let's pretend that I wanna kind of cut out this O and make it an actual O. What I can do here is add another ellipse so I can add another ellipse and let's say I wanna kind of add this shape here that kind of sits in the middle.
Now at the moment, of course it's gray, I could just make it white. But what I actually want to do is cut this out. So the way that we're gonna cut this out is I'm gonna select both ellipses like that and up here, there's some union tools. So what I can do is add things together, I can subtract these shapes together, I can intersect them and exclude them. I wanna take away this mini circle from the bigger circle. So if I select this, this now turns it into a hoop.
So now if I just change the color to whatever, it automatically cuts out this middle bit. For instance if I changed the whole of the frames background, you'll see this looks all the way through as well. So it doesn't really matter about the color, we're mainly focusing on the shape. So again, I'm just gonna turn that to white. So this subtracts these two things. So in here, I've got this mini ellipse and this bigger ellipse.
So this is a good way of making shapes. So what I want to do is basically make the next thing. I'm gonna turn this back into gray scale and subtract so again, maybe something like that. How do I actually go about doing this actual design? Well here, I wanna kind of like do half of the triangle. So half of the triangle is actually gonna be rectangle. And the rectangle is gonna sit around about here. So from this corner over to here, so I'm gonna make this a little bit darker. And again, you see this goes to the end, there we go.
So how do I kind of subtract that? Well I wanna take this rectangle and this triangle here, gonna drag them so they're next to each other here and select them both using shift. And what I can do here is well I've got a few tools here that I can actually use so I can subtract things. If I subtract things it takes half of them away, it's not what I want. I can do a union which turns it into a big one. I can do intersect which is the other side which is this triangle intersects with this rectangle and I can also do exclude which is the opposite of this and this shape only.
But this isn't what I want. I'm kind of wanna add this together. So I'm just gonna go back and actually undo this so undo to keep it back to what I wanted, which was this triangle and this rectangle. But what I can do is using this polygon which is the triangle, I can actually use this as a mask. So what I'm gonna do is take this, select both, and I'm gonna right-click both and use this mask. Now that will just do this one half. So this new mass group is this other part of the triangle.
What I want to do is take this original triangle and actually make it the background of this whole thing. So I'm gonna take this polygon which is just the triangle and basically copy this and select the whole thing and then paste it. Now the moment this automatically has a mask which is kind of why you can't see it. So I'm gonna right-click this and just flatten this. So now we can see this full triangle. I'm gonna place it back into position so it looks like that. There we go.
And now I want to do is move this below the mass group so I'm gonna drag this down under, so I've got two halves to this triangle now. Now again, I'm gonna keep this as gray rather than actually fill this in. So how do I do this rest of this part. Well again, I wanna kind of start to group these two things together, gonna select this polygon and this mass group and I'm just gonna group this selection. So this is gonna be A group.
And the next thing I wanna kind of have a old group so I'm gonna this, oh that's already grouped so let's ignore that for now. I don't want this middle section so I'm just gonna get rid of it for now. There we go, it's full circle again. I'm gonna take this ellipse and move it out. We'll remove this. So again, we just going back to the full circle. What I want to do is have this kind of cross angle in here. So I'm just gonna have four parts here, one mask here, one mask, one mask, one mask.
Well actually, it's only three cause I can keep the general background color. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna copy this whole circle in place and then draw a rectangle in this kind of corner here. So again, just gonna draw this in here. Now for this, one I can mask this or do union one of these up here. I'm actually gonna do a mask so I'm gonna use this mask and then again, it's gray. So I'm just gonna add some color to this just so we can see this.
There it is. And do the same thing again. Or I can copy this whole thing, I'm gonna copy this whole mask group and instead, I'm gonna move this rectangle up in this corner instead. It's not big enough so I'm gonna may it a little bit bigger. And again, this whole mask group, I'm gonna change its color to maybe white or gray, maybe black or gray, maybe a lighter one for now. And I'm gonna do the same thing in bottom corner. I'm gonna copy this whole thing, select the rectangle in between there and move this down into this corner and maybe make this one a different color.
So maybe this is a kind of grayish color. Again, I can start playing around with this as well. So this is a kind of quick way to make simple shapes. That one is not in the right place. Again, I can change the size on this to fits. There we go. So here what I've done is a very quick logotype that looks something gray scale. The next thing we'll do is we'll link this in with some of the colors from over here. We'll do it in a very, very simple way, which is really nice.
So something that's part figma, really quick way to add this stuff in. So here, we have a simple logo type.
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