Exporting your work as images and movies
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- So the last thing I'm going to do is talk about how to export this. Now there's a few ways to do this. We can export as images, we can export as movies. And there's kind of two main ways to do this. Now, the first way I'm going to do is talk about images. So let's say the right perfect moment comes along, when I press pause, I'm like, "Yep, that's the thing I want to save." Obviously I can press pause here, and say, don't do anymore. I can also press the space bar here as well.
So I can press space on and off to stop and pause the play line, as well. Timeline, as well. So, what happens if you want to save this image here? Now weirdly, this isn't called like image export, it's actually part of movie. So here I'm going to press tab, and I'm going to find my movie file out. Here we go. And I'm going to drop this here. This is why I want to file out.
So I'm going take my over output and put it into the input of movie file out, and over here on the parameters, I can actually change this type to not movie, but to image. I can change the image file type to send like JPEG. I also want to turn on the unique suffix, which basically means if I keep adding images, it will change the number at the end. So something like TD Movie Out, dot one, dot two, dot three, rather than zero every single time. So I'm going to turn this on. The next thing I want to do is change the file output, as well, because I don't want it to be called TD Movie Out.
I want it to be called Alla-Prima. So I'm going to change the thing in quotes here. So I'm going to change this, when I double-click it, to Alla-Prima, and then press enter. And we will see here, that it will save these images as Alla-Prima.0.jpeg. If I save it again, it will save it as Alla-Prima.1 and Alla-Prima.2. Just so I've got different versions of the same thing. I'm not overwriting the same thing every single time.
And then save an image. All I need to do is click add frame. There we go. And where this will save is in our art folder. So if I go into my art folder now, you'll see that I have my images in here. I must have pressed it twice. There's one, and there's the same one. And if I run this a little bit longer and save there, let's say, let's add a frame. And then what we'll get in our art folder is Alla-Prima.2.
So I want to maybe put in my flowers in here, and then click feedback. We'll pulse, we'll run it a little bit to there. Press pause using space. And then we'll export another one. Add, and let's see the art that comes out of this, Alla-Prima.3. And there it is. Now there's obviously a way to export this movie here. I can just type in movie and then click export type, movie, and then follow the instructions here.
There is one other way which I actually like more for doing movies. Images, this is the only way to do it. But for movies, I actually like the other way, because there's a little bit more control, which is going to file, and then export movie. What will happen is, this thing will appear, up here, just going to drag it over, and it'll ask for a top video and potentially a chop audio. We don't need to worry about audio for now, but what I want to do is put in my, what do I want to save? Well, I want to save this over.
So I'm going to drag this in to top video. And there it is. It will automatically put in my resolution and all the stuff that I need, but it'll also put it into the same kind of format. So here on my desktop, art movie out, I can then start running this. I'll press start, and this will run for 300 frames. So this is now running for 300 frames. And what we'll get at the end, when I finish, now, is in my art folder.
This one will be called MovieOut.1. And this will give me my image as a video. So I've got images and videos in here. Very easy to actually set up how to export things. But this is how we actually work with TouchDesigner. We have our kind of input textures. We manipulate textures, we do different things to them. We add feedback loops, we add some borders if you want to, and then we can export them at the end. So this is the basics of how we can make something using TouchDesigner.
We can add lots of kind of input fields. We can change how all these work. We can change all the numbers to give us something very different every single time.
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