Changing displacement's extend mode and source midpoint
- Now if I leave this for a long amount of time eventually it'll kind of like go to an average color and that's mainly from like just displacing the displacement over and over again, and eventually it will kind of go and merge together, which is fine. I mean it is kind of normal when we have lots of displacement kind of happening, but let's add a bit more control over this. Now the first thing that we want to do is we want to kind of have this displacement happening kind of in lots of different directions.
You'll notice that this kind of area over here, looks kind of brown, and this area over here looks blue. But what happens if we displace this pixel over to the other side, like a teleport, it's fairly easy to do. So let's do that and see if it adds any difference. Now if I click on displace, what we'll see down at the bottom is this extend. Extend basically says what happens at the edges of our texture. At the moment it says, just hold, like don't do anything.
But there are a few different options we can have as part of this. Now if I click this kind of select box, we have things like zero, which means don't do anything as well. We have repeats, which means kind of repeats, kind of going across. So on the right hand side, go to the left, on the left hand side, go to the right, and also mirror which means kind of mirror all the textures across.
So let's see what those looks like. So I'm gonna click repeats on this one and what you might notice is now as soon as we click repeat, we have our edges kind of like coming down. I'm gonna do this on displace2 as well. Let's just change it to repeats and let's reset the feedback loop. Let's see what that looks like. So here on my feedback loop, I'm gonna press pulse. And you might notice now that my t-shirt on here starts to come down from the top.
So basically because we're repeating the pattern, the bottom now can go from the top, and the left can go from the right, and the right can go to the left. And this feels a bit more natural and it gets a bit more of a textural effect to it. We could try mirror as well see how that looks. So I'm gonna try mirror. Is that gonna give us something that looks a little bit different? Probably not because it's doing a different job.
So let's try feedback and pulse. So here we mirror in the sky at the top. So the top edge here is kind of backwards up here. So if I'm up around here, this is the top of my hat, and then my face will be kind of up here. But on this side it's kind of flipping it over in different directions basically. So for this one, I generally like to do, and this is based on opinion, I actually like to do repeats 'cause I wanna see my t-shirt coming down from the sky.
It feels a bit more natural. So let's try that again. We'll go to feedback and press pulse. There we go. Now it's giving me a very kind of like textural kind of display again, I still think this is way too aggressive though so let's kind of dial it back even further. Back on displace, my 0.01 is maybe still too much, maybe something like 0.05. So half of that, 0.05.
And on this one we're gonna do 0.001 to 0.0005. So even smaller. There we go. And let's try feed back in little loop again, start from the end. That feels a bit more natural to me. So again, this is kind of dependent on what you actually are feeling. It's kind of up to you. There's one more thing that I do wanna show you as well which is kind of how we make it go in different directions.
So on the displacement at the moment, it has this midpoint which is how it's displacing. At the moment, because it's in the middle, it's almost like we're spreading the paint from the center of its dots. So what we can do is actually shift this in different ways. Where do you wanna shift this from? I can change this number from 0.5 and 0.5 to be in a different direction. So for instance, if I wanna change it to something like 0.2 and 0.2.
Notice how it's changed very, very quickly. It's almost like kind of dripping kind of in a different direction now. So this is kind of how we can change how this looks very quickly. And because we've got things like repeats, we can see that this blue is starting to appear up here, it's going down and then repeating across as well. This could be too much. Maybe I just wanna do 0.5 and 0.4 for instance. And again, I can do this feedback loop and this is kind of almost a bit like it's running down a little bit.
Maybe let's try and increase this as 0.2. This is almost like running down now so this feels very like it's dripping paint. So this is almost like where the paint will drip from. As we're moving this up in the Y direction it's kind of dripping downwards, so this one can feel quite fluid as well. Now remember we're doing this on just displace1. We could do the opposite on displace2. So we could actually say, well maybe there's one going down and one going up.
So here we could say 0.8. And what we have now is if we do the feedback again, let's run that again, press pulse, is we have two kind of competing displaces now, one is going down, which is a more aggressive one, which is kind of the most thing that we see. But we also have one that's going up, which is kind of more fine grained. So let's kind of up that fine grained one again to see this in motion.
So I'm gonna select this second one and I'm gonna basically make this the same as the other one, which was 0.5, 0.005. We're gonna remove one zero, one zero on each. And again, this could look quite aggressive but let's go to feedback and press pulse. And we get something that's very textured now, they're both doing two different jobs, one's going up and one's going down. But because they're kind of competing and it feels almost like a watercolor now.
So just by adding a few different tweaks in here, we get different outputs that can look completely different.
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